What have I been up to?

All the way back in July when I last posted, I definitely had a ton of stuff to update on. I guess now I have some updates to the updates? I know half of this stuff is not very interesting for most people but, lets be honest, I am doing this more for myself than anything else. I am hoping it helps keep my mind free of some of the crud.
All in all, and now that I have lived with ADHD treatment for nearly a year, things seem to be on the up and up. I am medicated decently now and I have continued to work with my therapist on a multitude of related issues. Obviously there’s no cure for ADHD but I feel that if I keep working on myself it will get more manageable with time.
In the world of amateur radio, I haven’t done a ton but I have finally gotten my antenna back up. I found a fiber glass pole with a pulley on it. I mounted said pole on the roof of my shack. I ran some new coax on the antenna and raised it up. I was ablet to fasten one leg on the house and the other leg on a tree in the back of the yard.
Check out below for a look at the antenna mast. This was before I put the antenna itself up.

Some other things I have been working on are more related to computers than radio. I’ve been spending a bunch of time learning to code in Python, C#, PHP, and a few other languages. I am just learning as much as I can by working on small apps / scripts to help me with daily tasks. I am contemplating posting some of that journey on here as well. Maybe you’ll see that eventually.
73 for now!
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